Konečně tu máme pátek, respektive už skoro konec pátku a začíná nám víkend :-) Já nevím jak vy, ale já jsem šťastná, že už tenhle týden končí, protože to byla samá písemka a zkoušení. Takže doufám, že ten příští takový nebude... Nebo alespoň, že takový nebude celý. Dnes po škole jsem byla venku s kamarádkou a co by to bylo za procházku bez kafe a foťáku :-)... Zítra se chystám spát aspoň do dvanácti, protože chci ten spánek dohnat :-D... Upřímně, tohle se mi ale nikdy asi nepovedlo.
P.S.: Konečně mi opět zaktivovali internet v iPhonu.. Já pořád říkám na co je iPhone bez internetu.. :-D
Hi :-)
Finally, there is Friday, or nearly end of Friday and the weekend begins with us :-) I do not know about you but I'm happy that it ends this week, because it was the sameexam and testing. So I hope the next one will not be such a ... Or at least, that such is not the whole. Today after school I was out with my friend and what would it be without coffee and without a camera :-)... Tomorrow I'm going to sleep at least twelve,because I want the sleep to catch up:-D ... Frankly, this is about me but never failed.
PS: I finally re-activate the internet on my iPhone .. I keep telling what is the iPhone without the Internet .. :-D
Finally, there is Friday, or nearly end of Friday and the weekend begins with us :-) I do not know about you but I'm happy that it ends this week, because it was the sameexam and testing. So I hope the next one will not be such a ... Or at least, that such is not the whole. Today after school I was out with my friend and what would it be without coffee and without a camera :-)... Tomorrow I'm going to sleep at least twelve,because I want the sleep to catch up:-D ... Frankly, this is about me but never failed.
PS: I finally re-activate the internet on my iPhone .. I keep telling what is the iPhone without the Internet .. :-D
Není to úžasné?
Isn´t it awesome?
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