Dneska jsem byla nakupovat s kamarádkou a úplně jsem se tam zamilovala do bot, které budou na fotce pod článkem. Rozhodla jsem se, že až na ně budu mít, tak si je koupím, i když mají podpatek vysoký asi 7 cm... Ale to je detail..;-) Taky jsem si koupila náramky a náušnice, oboje za 99,-Kč, což je docela dobrá cena, ne? Takže jsem uplně maximálně spokojená:-).
Před půl hodinou jsem se vrátila z Altenbergu, z bazénu. Takový relax jsem přesně potřebovala..:-)!!!
Taky jsem dostala nové filmy na flashce, strašně se těším až si je pustím, a určitě napíšu recenzi...;-)
Hi :-)
Today I was shopping with my friend and I totally fell in love there shoes that will be in the photo below the article. I decided that when I have them, so they buy, even if they have a high heel ... about 7 cm But that is a detail ..;-) I also bought bracelets and earrings, both for 99 CZK, which is pretty good price, right? So I'm totally satisfied :-).
Half an hour ago I returned from Altenberg, from the pool. That I just needed to relax .. :-)!
I also got new movies , i am looking forward to watch them, and be sure that i 'll write review ...;-)
Today I was shopping with my friend and I totally fell in love there shoes that will be in the photo below the article. I decided that when I have them, so they buy, even if they have a high heel ... about 7 cm But that is a detail ..;-) I also bought bracelets and earrings, both for 99 CZK, which is pretty good price, right? So I'm totally satisfied :-).
Half an hour ago I returned from Altenberg, from the pool. That I just needed to relax .. :-)!
I also got new movies , i am looking forward to watch them, and be sure that i 'll write review ...;-)
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