Já tenhle víkend opravdu miluju. I když mi je teď docela smutno. Ale o tom ani snad nic nebudu psát. Jinak, páteční prázdniny a celý víkend se snažím relaxovat, protože cítím, že to teď potřebuji.. Ale mám strašnou chuť se sebrat a jet nakupovat. Když si vzpomenu ne obchoďáky v New Yorku nebo v Paříži, tak opravdu lituji toho, že něco takového tady my prostě nemáme. I když by se jich pár dalo srovnat velikostí, plochou, tak obsahem opravdu ne, což je trochu škoda, ne?!
Good afternoon .. :-)
I really love this weekend. Even though I feel quite sad now. But perhaps not even anything I write. Otherwise, on Friday holiday and weekend I´m trying to relax because I feel that I need it now ..But I have a terrible desire to pick up and go shopping. When I think about mall in New York or Paris, so really, I regret that something like that here we simply don´t have. Even if few of them could compare in size, flat but not really in content, which is a pity, right?
I really love this weekend. Even though I feel quite sad now. But perhaps not even anything I write. Otherwise, on Friday holiday and weekend I´m trying to relax because I feel that I need it now ..But I have a terrible desire to pick up and go shopping. When I think about mall in New York or Paris, so really, I regret that something like that here we simply don´t have. Even if few of them could compare in size, flat but not really in content, which is a pity, right?
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